Friday, June 29, 2007

There Is No Issue With 360s, We Swear!

If we ignore it, maybe the complaints will go away!

Haha. Oh godddamn MS, you just don't learn do you? The Xbox was started in 2001, the internet generation. The 360 is an always-online console (when it's not broken) and the users (the vocal part especially) represent that. They are online fanatics, moreso than Nintendo and Sony, that's for sure. To piss them off is not smart and I can't wait until this blows up in Microsoft's face. For being this stupid and arrogant, they deserve everything that's coming to them.

You say you've treated the customer right, which is like saying you lubed up the cactus before shoving it in, you're still fucking them and it still hurts! How could one of the richest and most powerful companies in the world be so fucking asinine? I swear to every deity in existence that I could run the Xbox division better than the marsupials they have in charge now. It's just one bad decision after another, I mean fuck, it's like they WANT to fail.

Ignoring and denying the problem doesn't make it go away. It makes respect for your competitors go up, it makes faith in Xbox go down and worst of all, it pisses off your customers.

We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore!

System Overload!

Whoa, big shocker. Piece of shit console is a piece of shit. News at 11!

30 a week, what the flying fuck?! It's been almost 2 years since the system launches and there has yet to be a giant fucking class action lawsuit? MS didn't reply because they're too busy counting money and sending out coffins for dead systems, duh. I digress, this is just too much of a pain in the ass for everyone; gamers, retailers, repairmen, customer service reps, UPS drivers, box-makers. MS is making everyone work overtime and no one can even enjoy games anymore.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thousands of 360s dying daily

1500-2500 dead 360s PER DAY!?

Microsoft’s UK repair centre in Havant is now redistributing faulty consoles to foreign repair centres in order to clear an overwhelming backlog and keep up with the 1,500 to 2,500 Xbox 360s arriving at its doors on a daily basis, according to customer reports.

I tried searching for words, but there are none. Absolutely none.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lucky Number 12

11 dead systems, there are no words.

I applaud his patience. Unfortunately for MS, not all 360 owners are going to be this patient. By not acting now, they are only continuing to shoot themselves in the foot and further tarnish the Xbox brand name.

At least he has a PS3, so he's got something to play while he waits for his 360 to come back from repairs time and time again. What a joke of a system MS delivered and it's nobody's fault, but theirs when they lose the console war. Damn shame, because there's so much potential. The tard pack was the first sign that all was not right in the land of Xbox 360 and it's only been downhill from there, cheap bastards.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Todd Halmdahl Dodgy Interview

Here's another piece of shit at Microsoft demonstrating poor business ethics, spitting in customers faces.

Bullshit interview with Todd Halmdahl

Now, a 'professional' response to this genuine 'great' guy:
"...Q: I’m sure you’ve seen some of these complaints that we’ve written about from the guy who went through seven machines. There are a lot of people posting on the blog saying they still have problems. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that the quality of the Xbox 360 isn’t there. How can you paint the bigger picture for me there?
A: We’re very proud of the box. We think the vast majority of people are having just a great experience. You look at the number of games they are buying, the number of accessories they are buying, the Live attach. They love the box. They continue to buy the box. That said, we take any customer issue very seriously. We continue to look into these things very deeply. You have seen we have made some changes to our customer service policy.

Q: Do you still say that is a normal return rate for the console?
A: We continue to say the vast majority of the people are really happy with it."

He dodges questions with elegance and finesse, no wonder they picked him, after all, he does have all the answers.

"...Q: I’ve heard varying accounts of what is considered a normal return rate. Some people say that 2 percent is normal. Sometimes 3 percent to 5 percent is considered normal. Back to that question, can you address whether you are within those rates or within a normal rate.
A: We don’t disclose the actual number.

Q: Do you still say that is a normal return rate for the console?
A: We continue to say the vast majority of the people are really happy with it.

Q: I’ve heard varying accounts of what is considered a normal return rate. Some people say that 2 percent is normal. Sometimes 3 percent to 5 percent is considered normal. Back to that question, can you address whether you are within those rates or within a normal rate.
A: We don’t disclose the actual number.

Q: Normal compared to the Xbox?
A: We don’t comment on that.

Thanks Todd, thanks for addressing my concerns as a (former?!) paying customer! Please, spew more shit at me.

"Q: What explains this anecodotal evidence that it’s out of whack, compared to the Wii or the PlayStation 3 or other consoles.
A: I would go back and say the vast majority of people love their experience. We continue to go back and address all of these issues on a case by case basis. There is a vocal minority out there. We go off and try to address their issues as quickly and as pain free as possible.

Q: There were some folks, who are not totally guessing, who said that when you had three million consoles in the market, you have a bone pile of bad ones. That seems to suggest a pretty high defect rate as far as the yield goes. Can you address that?
A: We don’t talk about our production.

Q: Can you say anything about the yield? Do you have a good yield? Can you say anything about the yield?
A: The important thing here is that each product that comes out of the factory is rigorously tested. To ensure highest quality for our customer."

Like Petey essentially said, it's not about about making a quality product. It wasn't about that, not to mention it's too late for that, now it's just damage control. When a 360 fucks up, lots of them are replaced for free, the three dead ones I was involved with were. However, some are charged up to $170 for repairs, for another shitty, unreliable unit, I sure as hell wouldn't pay that.

You know the problem is real bad when MS is running short on boxes (aka coffins) for the dead systems.
It took MS 8 days to get me my most recent coffin, compared to the complete 12~ days the entire process took last time. I'm not even XBL Gold anymore (another MS screwup), but I feel for the people who are paying to play online (another 360-only 'feature')and are without a console this long, just throwing money away. It's pretty re-goddamn-diculous.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Y'know, Things Break

Thanks for the comforting statement, jackass...

"I can't comment on failure rates, because it's just not something - it's a moving target. What this consumer should worry about is the way that we've treated him. Y'know, things break, and if we've treated him well and fixed his problem, that's something that we're focused on right now. I'm not going to comment on individual failure rates because I'm shipping in 36 countries and it's a complex business." - Peter Moore

Wow. What an explanation, way to reassure your customer base. You've treated him well if you mean lubing up with spit before going in with a fuckin' cactus. This is unethical, stupid, condescending and just plain ignorant. You know there's a problem, the gaming community knows there's a problem and if you don't act now, the amount of people who know will increase just as fast as the faith in the Xbox brand decreases.

Peter Moore is a piece of shit.

Thumbs up to you, Petey!